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Maker’s Mark Private Selection
Bourbon Nice Sipper Bourbon Nice Sipper

Maker’s Mark Private Selection

Next up is Maker’s Mark Private Selection by @TheWhiskyGuys of Gordon’s Wine. The private selection program at Maker’s allows you to pick a combination of 10 staves from 5 different stave groups. This creates 1,001 possible combinations of staves….click to read more about this alchemy….

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Larceny Barrel Proof Batch A122
Bourbon Nice Sipper Bourbon Nice Sipper

Larceny Barrel Proof Batch A122

Today’s post is for a bourbon made with wheat as its flavor grain, colloquially referred to as a “wheater”, Heaven Hill’s Larceny Barrel Proof Batch A122. While bourbons with rye are by far the historical “norm”, the wheaters came into fashion when everyone began losing their minds about Pappy…and every major distillery who has a wheated bourbon in their lineup seems to go out of their way to tie the root of their release to Pappy itself. Who knew there were so many Junior Pappy’s out in the market? Sigh….but let’s see how Larceny does with this release…..

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