The Balvenie DoubleWood 12
The Balvenie DoubleWood 12
I have been on a bit of a hiatus from reviews….not for lack of caring, mind you, just that damn pesky day job that actually pays the bills kept getting in the way. But Nice Sipper is back now and while my postings may have abated, my purchasing has not and I’ve picked up some really nice whiskeys to spread the gospel about.
For the next review, we will visit the Balvenie DoubleWood 12. I previously did a review on the 17 year old version of this release, but that’s a bit pricey these days, so let’s dig into the more affordable option, which is also their core product. Check out my previous reviews (here, here, or here) for some backstory on Balvenie and the DoubleWood releases and to see some of their other releases….but this single malt was first aged in American Oak and then in European Oak.
ABV: 43%
How it smells…fruity, a bit of honey, hazelnuts, coppery.
How it tastes….starts off with honey and vanilla sweetness followed by red grapes, where you get that juicy burst and then your mouth dries up a bit. The end is malty with light chocolate notes, finishing sweet again with some mild oak spice.
Price…. $55…but I wouldn’t be surprised if you see it up to the high $60’s.
Final thoughts….I have never really been disappointed with a Balvenie from a tasting perspective. I am getting disappointed with the price increases, but that’s the same gripe everyone has with their favorite whisky releases, especially Scotch. This one won’t disappoint either. The DoubleWood 12 is a nice introduction to Balvenie to see if it suits your fancy. You get some traditional ex-bourbon barrel flavors including vanilla and honey and then some richer/fruitier flavors from the European oak sherry casks. It is a great low cost option for those who like the traditional ex-Bourbon Single Malts but want a gateway drug to the sherry bombs (and vice versa). As a staple I usually have on my shelf, this is a solid 4x 🥃. Will it knock your socks off? No. Will it disappoint? Never.